Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday Words

We 1,000% believe in this! We never know what wonderful surprises life has in store for us. And doesn't that make it so much fun? :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

November's Look We Love

We are super excited today because this is the first post of a new monthly feature called "Look We Love." The detail for this month that we can't get enough of... wildflowers! Though different wildflowers are in bloom all throughout the year, we just think these pretties fit in so well with the feel of this month in particular.

What we have identified as the source of this obsession. Kelly Clarkson's oh so gorgeous wildflower bouquet.


So many pretty hues and textures and the uses for these beauties are endless! Whether you place a bunch together or use one stem for a sweet detail they're all sure to scream...